GratiTuesday: Niña Amielia De Chavez

“A year has passed but my heart is still filled with overflowing gratitude to God for blessing me with this job as a Kumon Reading teacher. He blesses me not just with supportive co-teachers but indeed a wonderful family. I am also grateful that God filled my first year of teaching with such loving and sweet students and appreciative Kumon parents.

It was a year of laughter, a year of first time, a year of incredible experiences, and a year of challenges. All that happened in a year allowed me to grow and to blossom into the person I am now. To the Stonyhurst Kumon Team, wherever life takes me, I will be forever grateful to be part of such a passionate team, I am Teacher Niña because of this amazing team.”—Niña Amielia De Chavez

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