WellnessDay: Daniella Katelyn M. Caballero

Balancing school and my hobbies is a very tough art to master as a grade-schooler but over time I have learned how to juggle with the pressure. The life of a grade-school student is demanding given all the deadlines that must be accomplished, performance tasks, and exams. But despite the huge number of requirements and […]

WellnessDay: Mr. Jeremiah John Frane Babao

During the pandemic, my bicycle became my best friend. Riding it every day helped me stay healthy and balanced. The quiet streets, fresh air, and nice views gave me a sense of freedom and peace. Cycling was my way to stay active and find joy in a tough time. Exploring different routes became my daily […]

WellnessDay by Teacher Realyn Villena

As we approach the end of the school year and prepare for various activities, I recognize that maintaining good health and well-being is crucial. Establishing a consistent sleep routine is essential for me. Whenever I get quality sleep, I experience an enhanced mood and increased productivity at work. Though watching my diet and exercising can […]

GratiTuesday: Del Mundo Family

Despite the physical distance separating us, our bond remains unbreakable, fueled by love and shared values. We’re grateful for the opportunities our work provides, ensuring our family‘s financial stability and enabling us to pursue our dreams. Each day, we’re thankful for the moments we connect through technology, bridging the gap of miles with laughter, stories, and […]