Victory comes in two’s. Once again, the young knights reaped top awards in two prestigious international competitions – AMC (Australian Math Challenge) and the ICAS (International Competitions and Assessment for Schools).
Australian Mathematics Challenge. In this competition, Juan Rafael M. Landicho won a Prize Award (given only to one out of 300 participants) for his exceptional performance. His sister, Maria Bernadette M. Landicho made it in the top 3%, an achievement worthy of a High Distinction certificate. The siblings will receive their respective awards on October 28 in Manila.
ICAS English. Four Grade School students will receive certificates for their English Proficiency and for being in the top 1% out of the three thousand examinees in the Philippines. They are Vinz PJ Z. Rayos (Distinction), Juan Rafael M. Landicho (Credit), Maria Bernadette M. Landicho (Merit) and Mikaela Ysabel H. Valdez (Merit).
ICAS Science. Two students got Distinction awards while three students got Credit Awards for acing the examination. For newbies in the field of international science challenge, the students make a remarkable performance worthy of praise and emulation. On top of that, these students are also making waves in the areas of English and Math. The students are Perseus Atienza and Juan Rafael Landicho with the Distinction Award while Vinz PJ Rayos, Maria Bernadette Landicho, and Ysabel Valdez earned Credit Award.
ICAS Math. The following math wizards made a remarkable achievement as they aced the International Competitions and Assessment for School (ICAS) Math Competition. Maria Bernadette Landicho and Juan Rafael Landicho earned High Distinction Awards, Vinz PJ Rayos earned a Credit Award while Ysabel Valdez and Perseus Atienza got Distinction Awards.
That the students are performing ahead of their counterparts in international competitions and in varied subjects such as English, Math, and Science is but a testimonial that SSIS students are well-versed in all Subject Areas. SSIS students have come a long way from being known as excellent English speakers to becoming wizards in Math and to carving a niche in the field of Science.
Kudos to all the English, Math, and Science teachers who were instrumental in this unprecedented victory. Congratulations as well to the very supportive parents.