Leandrei Navarro, Third Grader, and Maria Bernadette Landicho, Sixth Grader, were triumphant after participating in the 2019 International Kangaroo Mathematics Competion (IKMC)- Philippines held at selected MTG training centers.
Leandrei is among the 188 mathletes who shall be awarded Silver Medals in the Lower Primary Category. Moreover, in the Upper Primary Category, Bernadette is among the 96 students who shall be awarded Gold Medals for displaying the best version of themselves in the said contest.
The said competition is supported by the Mathematics Trainers’ Guild (MTG) Philippines which trains some of our Math wizards. To add, IKMC brings together the experience of education experts from around the world. It is being participated in by more
than a million students from 70 countries, making it the world’s largest mathematics contest whose aim is to promote a culture of critical thinking as well as good communication skills.
CONGRATULATIONS, LEANDREI and BERNADETTE! Continue to raise the bar!